Impact on the banking sector. Could a green transition prevent the next financial crisis? -Principal Investigator (PI): Dr. Kamila Tomczak
Unit 18 Discrete Mathematics - BTEC Higher National Diploma in Computing - Analyse mathematical structures of objects using graph theory
UEL-SG-7005 Innovation, Sustainability and Transition in the Oil and Gas Sector - University of East London - Develop and express ideas in an analytically sound
CRKC7045 Tackling Global-Local Challenges in Ethics, Responsibility and Sustainability, university of cumbria - Critically discuss how values influence
CP60019E Applied Software Engineering, University of West London - Analyse the risk factors associated with phases of the software development life-cycle
Identify the governance issues raised by the Company A case study and Make recommendations for improving the company's governance arrangements
LUBS5963 Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Creation - University of Leeds Critically analyse and reflect on the new enterprise design process you completed
MMW2265 Innovation and Global Marketing Logistics, Glasgow Caledonian University develop a responsible and effective global sourcing and logistics portfolio
What was discussed in your team meetings and focus on the Product Visioning & Planning and Epics to Releases to User stories and Tasks?
6038BMS Research design for Biomedical Science Identify potential economic, societal and commercial applications of research projects, including awareness
Preparing for Success At University: Knowledge and Creativity Explain how you have developed as a learner during this module, giving examples
Environmental Management Demonstrate the application of energy management techniques and Predict pollution effects from the use of energy, evaluate methods
How do economists use a basket of goods and services to measure the price level and Why does "substitution bias" arise if we calculate the inflation rate based
SHR011-6 Leadership Project evaluate leadership/management styles, leadership problems and challenges and your personal leadership capabilities and needs
PU5040 Health, Wellbeing & Behaviour Design - University of Aberdeen, implement a coherent, theory-based behavioural intervention and Communicate a case study
Risk and Cost Engineering - prepared as Feasibility Report for the project based on the project information provided to help client make decision
Demonstrates understanding of one element of nature by identifying ideas for learning experiences and teaching strategies
7BUS2042 Analytics for Operations and Logistics Management, Hertfordshire Business School - Explore need for competence in operations and logistics managemet
Understand the role of negotiation and persuasion strategies and the need for both essential skills; students will have opportunities to develop both skills
7MARK033 Social Media Marketing and Content - Westminster Business School Create a personal brand persona for OPTOWT and Write a blog on behalf of the company