In "The Tasks of Economic Executives" of 1931 and in Parts I and II of "The Results of the First Five-Year Plan" in 1933, Soviet leader Joseph Stalin
Who wrote On the Dignity of Man which stated that man was made in the image of God before the fall and as Christ after the Resurrection.
Large conglomerate corporations that exerted a great deal of political and economic power in Imperial Japan.
What was the name of The edict of Henry IV that granted Huguenots the rights of public worship and religious toleration in France.
The congress of learned Roman Catholic authorities that met intermittently from 1545 to 1563 to reform abusive church practices and reconcile.
The period from 1400 to 1600 that witnessed a transformation of cultural and intellectual values from primarily Christian to classical or secular ones was known
Be sure to look at multiple states and compare/contrast their respective development. The "progressive" theory of history argues that the world is always
The Fourteen Points were a masterful piece of political propaganda, but Wilson was less successful at translating them into reality. Why?
Who said that the development of insurance converted "from a matter of convenience into one of urgency"?
Which countries were most successful in building viable nation-states? What accounts for the variation?
Name of the Radical groups in England in the 1650s who called for the abolition of private ownership and extension of the franchise.
Name of the Theory that the monarch is supreme and can exercise full and complete power unilaterally.
What were the problems caused by the need of cooperation between the Metropolitan police, the City of London police and Scotland Yard in London 1800s?
It has been argued that there is no single Holocaust, that the experience was different in different times and places?
Give some examples of fourteenth-century vernacular literature and compare them to the vernacular literature of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries.
How did Nazi officials harness the power of consumer culture for their own political ends during the 1930s and 1940s?
How are Kipling's imperial subjects characterized? What were the civil and military aspects of the "white man's burden"?
Do you think that the rebellions after the Protestant Reformation (such as the German Peasants Rebellion or the take-over of Munster).
In the sixteenth century the Anabaptists were the only important religious denomination in Europe to encourage independence
What contribution did Einstein make to the atomic hypothesis? What did he do, and what impact did it have? How does his approach fit with his view of scientific