Identify three characteristics of Renaissance humanism. Then, for each, describe a specific example of this philosophy that can be seen in Renaissance art.
Why did he postulate the existence of an inherited "unit" that could not be seen? What refinements have been made to Mendel's original genetics?
What did "uniformitarian" geology say about the timescales of earth's history, and the rate at which change occurred? Are there any examples
What evolutionary theories were proposed prior to Darwin? How were these theories different from Darwin's theory: what extra concepts did they contain
What are the similarities/differences in the uses of power in the medieval era, the period of the Industrial Revolution, and our own era?
How would you explain this? What role did scientific method and changes in theology have in the changing definition of witchcraft?
How are they both the culminations and/or representations of the eras that produced them?
Why was her data important to Watson and Crick? How does her treatment by her colleagues reflect on the scientific culture of the time?
What other theories did he employ, and what problems did it solve? How did Pauling's work form the basis of our understanding of biological molecules?
How did Einstein use Galileo's concept of relativity in his own work? How does Einstein's theory of gravity differ from Newton's
1. Briefly explain why attempts to create a unified German state during the mid-nineteenth century failed.
How does Carnot's gravitational analogy persist in the reaction-coordinate diagrams in chemistry and biochemistry?
Kelvin's arguments for the earth's age, based on cooling rates (Evolution and Entropy).
What are some of the major goals and approaches of evolutionary psychology? Why is one of its chief proponents a linguist? What are some criticisms
How has Dawkins extended (or simplified) the modern synthesis? What is the meaning of the phrase "selfish gene"?
What argument physical argument about the earth's age seemed to be inconsistent with Darwin's theory?
What was the eugenics movement, and how did some of these ideas play out in the 20th century?
What was the Stenka Razin rebellion in Russia and why did it happen?
1. How did Luther, Zwingli, Calvin, and Henry VIII each challenge the Roman Catholic church?
Analyze the ways in which both the theory and practice of the monarchy evolved in England from the death of Elizabeth to the Glorious Revolution