Define and explain the crisis of the third century. What was the significance? Why was it important?
Define, and explain the significance of Roman Monarchy. why is the significance, why does it matter
Discuss the connection between these two men. Remember to include political and military connections as well as their political alliances if relevant.
What was the nature of their appeal? How did they affect political life in Europe?
Why was the First World War so different from the wars of the French Revolution and Napoleon?
How, as they moved toward democracy at home, did Europeans justify their domination of colonial peoples in Africa and Asia?
Discuss the outcomes of the Treaty of Versailles and how these led to the outbreak of World War II?
Do you think Dante was trying to support the Roman Catholic Church with his writing( inferno ), or was his story doing something different?
What were the main ideas of Karl Marx during the age of Nationalism and Realism?
Why did European colonization of Asia and Africa expand dramatically after about 1800?
Was decolonization the result of European initiatives, or Africans and Asians seizing independence?
Describe what made WW II so deadly and destructive. Conclude by contrasting the conditions and outlook in Europe in 1918 and 1945.
How and in what manner did Germany come to be unified? Would a different Germany have been produced had the Frankfurt Assembly been successful?
Elaborate. In what ways did all the belligerent Powers imagine themselves thrown on the defensive in 1914?
Why did Balkan nationalism prove to be a devastating exception in the years leading up to 1914?
Could you help me in answering this question - Was the Great War a willful act of aggression on the part of one or more governments, an inadvertent calamity
What were the origins of the cold war and the fundamental differences between soviet union and US? What role did ideology play and what were the contrasting
Emperor Franz Joseph's letter to Kaiser Wilhelm II tells of the Austrian investigation into the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
Describe in detail political developments in Russia from 1991 to present. Conclude with your opinion whether democracy is likely in Russia in the near future.
What were the main features of Italian politics after 1945? What was the role of the Christian Democracy?