Assigment - OSS
Instructions: The object is to build a DSS which allows some user interaction and user control over the presentation of information, this assignment is not just a report on the data but as system to allow the user make use of the data for decision-making.
Tableau (or PowerBI) will provide visualisations if you feed it data, so a visualisation is not worth much by itself, high marks go for appropriate visualisations with proper labelling etc.
Your report must have an analysis (around 1000 words) of the information requirements for decision-making in this problem, followed by some description of how you dealt with the data and any instructions required to operate it. The report should be no more than 2500 words in total.
Movie industry forecasting
Box-office forecasting is a challenging but an important task for movie distributors in their decision making process. The global film industry shows healthy projections for the coming years, as the global box office revenue is forecast to increase from about 38 billion U.S. dollars in 2016 to nearly 50 billion U.S. dollars in 2020. However, box office revenue is down 10% so far from 2016. Leverage the data below to help determine the unexpected behavior of movies.
Your analysis at least address one or more of the following questions, but can include other issues
Why do some small budget films end up being blockbuster hits? Conversely, why do some large budget films fail?
Do certain genres lend themselves to higher return? Horror, romantic comedies, science fiction?
Do remakes, tent-poles and sequels perform differently?
How does the time of year, weather and economic trends influence box office performance?
Excel spreadsheet with movie information such as release date, actors, budget, box office revenue, ratings, etc.
You need to decide to what extent you clean the data
Issues include, but are not limited to
Missing Data
Invalid Data
You have choices to make when incomplete records are identified.
Please document clearly in your final report what decisions you took in relation to data cleaning. Various solutions may be acceptable, ignoring the problems is not acceptable.
Where appropriate, you should also include public data in your system, for instance population data or economic data relating to the general prosperity of countries.
Relevant websites:
Box Office Mojo -a box office reporting website that has budget data for movies. The data is broken down in various ways, per movie, on the site.
IMDb -The Internet Movie Database has information related to movies and television shows such as, cast, budgets, plots, reviews etc.