Consumer Behaviour and Insight
Assignment - Consumer Behaviour Report
Learning Outcome 1: Demonstrate the ability to map a path to purchase in a given category, including the decision-making process.
Learning Outcome 2: Evaluate appropriate forms of research to understand influences on the decision-making process (B2C and B2B)
Learning Outcome 3: Evaluate how marketers influence the different stages of the decision-making process
Assignment Brief and Guidance:
You must focus on understanding consumer behavior relating to a particular product or service of your chosen company or brand. For example, you may want to consider some of the following questions: What are the pre -purchase, purchase, or post -purchase processes for c onsumers? What are the most relevant external influences on these processes? What can the companies learn from these processes and how can they influence them? How should the companies change their marketing strategies to improve image and product positioning, the acquisition process for consumers, to enhance consumer experience with the product, and influence consumer satisfaction and loyalty?
This will be presented as a report to the CEO and should include the following:
Question 1. Explain and analyse the stages of the consumer decision -making journey for your chosen product/service.
Question 2. Explain why it is important for marketers to map a path to purchase.
Question 3. Evaluate how marketers of your organisation are responding to the decision -making process, applying relevant concepts and models.
Question 4. Compare and contrast the key differences of the contexts of B2C and B2B, by specific examples.
Question 5. Evaluate the different approa ches to market research and methods of research used for understanding the decision making process in both B2C and B2B.
Question 6. Evaluation of how different factors influence decision -making and buying behaviour by specific examples.
Evaluate how marketers can influence the different stages of the decision -making process of B2C and B2B by specific examples.