Unit 35 Networking Management Solution - Level 5 Pearson BTEC HND in Computing
Purpose of this assignment
The purpose of this assignment is assess the trainees' knowledge and skills when it comes to designing and implementing network management.
Design and practical must used Packet Tracer
DELITECH is a Small Business Enterprise providing computing services to local SMEs including Networking Management, Planning, Setup, Configurations, Testing and Security in Dubai. DELITECH prides itself on providing unrivalled support to its customers. Due to the recent business growth, DELITECH has recently acquired new Middle East Headquarters in Bahrain. DELITECH therefore requires someone who can setup and manage their network at their new Middle East HQ in Bahrain. DELITECH is very conscious about security, especially Network Security for their new Middle East HQ in Bahrain.
You have recently been employed by DELITECH as their Middle East Junior Network Manager and your principal duties include among other things setting up and managing their network at their new Middle East HQ in Bahrain including implementing a secure working environment in terms of their Network Management. Your task as their newly appointed Middle East junior network manager is to create and manage a prototype network as a proof-of-concept. Your prototype must be accompanied by written material that explains how your networking management solution can increase security and scalability as well as address issues of reliability and availability.
The solution must have suitable technology to support a wired LAN, as well as a secure connection to the Network Cloud via Internet.
• The network must support over 200 workstations over 5 different sub-networks.
• While each system will be a conventional wired LAN, it must also support wireless access for a range of mobile devices.
• Each system is connected to a Core Router or Multilayer Switch, which will provide the secured access to the Internet.
• In addition, all the services running on network will be configured at Network Cloud, there will be an Infrastructure Server and a File Storage server which will be stored over the Network Cloud.
• The Gateway Firewall be configured to provide a robust and secured network. All the network management will be done through the firewall configure at the gateway of network.
• All the workstations in the prototype will communicate through copper cable only. OFC can be used for communication between network devices.
Also, you need to provide a network security drill using any management tools to identify risk and its mitigation. Your demonstration for the security of DELITECH's network must align with the design you have planned and implemented.
Task 1
• Prepare a report covering the following topics:
1. Conduct a detailed analysis of Networking Management principles and concepts covering devices needed to implement a secure network.
2. A discussion of the importance of Networking Management principles in regards to security protocols and associated technologies that will enable a secure network for DELITECH's new Middle East HQ in Bahrain.
• Design and implement a network prototype using a network simulator (or Lab devices), which incorporates high levels of Network Security features with the following requirements:
1. Firewall Configuration
2. Switches configuration
3. Routers configuration
4. VoIP Configuration (IP Telephony)
5. WAN Links
6. Devices configuration
7. IP addressing
8. Subnetting
Guidance/notes to trainees
Please review the grading criteria for more details on the expected elements and topics that needed to be included
Evidence for this task
Present your answer in the form of a presentation. Submit a softcopy and a hardcopy.
A working prototype (using either a network simulator or lab devices) along with the configuration.
Task 2
Provide the following written material as a formal report.
• A detailed explanation of how the Network Protocols will work with IPv4 or IPv6 in regards of network management
• In depth analyse of any two network protocols
• Justification about the selection of networking protocols for the prototype to help facilitate a secure networking management environment.
Guidance/notes to trainees
Refer to the unit's assessment criteria for guidance.
Evidence for this task
A formal individual written report (saved in either a Microsoft® Word® or PDF format). All work must be supported with research and referenced using the Harvard referencing system. Please also provide a bibliography using the Harvard referencing system. The recommended word limit is 1,000- 1,500 words, although you will not be penalised for exceeding the total word limit.
Task 3
Using any Network Security Management tools demonstrate the following:
• Creating Network Object Group
• Content Filtering (url and app)
• IP Filtering
o User based
o Bandwidth management
o Time scheduling
• Policy defining for Risk Management
• Risk Identification and Avoidance
o Object Blocking
Justify the importance of network Security management in your network.
Guidance/notes to trainees
Refer to the unit's assessment criteria for guidance.
Evidence for this task
Screenshot or screen recording of your network security management. PowerPoint Presentation for justification.
Attachment:- Networking Management Solution.rar