Understand the administration of medication to individuals with dementia using a person centred approach
Unit aim
This unit is about knowledge and understanding of individuals who may have specific needs for receiving medication because of their experience of dementia. Learners will develop their knowledge of these medication requirements.
Outcome 1 Understand the common medications available to, and appropriate for, individuals with dementia
The learner can:
1. outline the most common medications used to treat symptoms of dementia
2. describe how commonly used medications affect individuals with dementia
3. explain the risks and benefits of anti-psychotic medication for individuals with dementia
4. explain the importance of recording and reporting side effects/adverse reactions to medication
5. describe how ‘as required' (PRN) medication can be used to support individuals with dementia who may be in pain
Outcome 2 Understand how to provide person centred care to individuals with dementia through the appropriate and effective use of medication
1. describe person-centred ways of administering medicines whilst adhering to administration instructions
2. explain the importance of advocating for an individual with dementia who may be prescribed medication.