Understand Positive Risk-Taking for Individuals with Disabilities
Learning outcomes
1 Understand that individuals with disabilities have the same right as everyone else to take risks
1.1 Explain ways in which risk is an integral part of everyday life
1.2 Explain why, traditionally, people with disabilities have been discouraged or prevented from taking risks
1.3 Describe the links between risk-taking and responsibility, empowerment and social inclusion
2 Understand the importance of a positive, personcentred approach to risk-assessment
2.1 Explain the process of developing a positive person-centred approach to risk-assessment
2.2 Explain how to apply the principles and methods of a person-centred approach to each of the different stages of the process of riskassessment
2.3 Explain how a service-focused approach to risk assessment would differ from a person-centred approach
2.4 Identify the consequences for the individual of a service-focused approach to risk-assessment
3 Understand the legal and policy framework underpinning the right of an individual with disabilities to make decisions and take risks
3.1 Explain how legislation, national and local policies and guidance provide a framework for decision-making which can support an individual to have control over their own lives
4 Understand the importance of considering with an individual with disabilities the risks associated with the choices they make
4.1 Analyse why individuals with disabilities may be at risk of different forms of abuse, exploitation and harm in different areas of their lives
4.2 Explain how to support individuals to recognise and manage potential risk in different areas of their lives
4.3 Explain the importance of balancing the choices of the individual with their own and others’ health and safety
4.4 Describe how own values, belief systems and experiences may affect working practice when supporting individuals to take risks
4.5 Explain the importance of recording all discussions and decisions made
5 Understand the importance of a partnership approach to risktaking
5.1 Explain the importance of a person-centred partnership approach
5.2 Describe ways of handling conflict when discussing and making decisions about risk