UEL-SG-7301 Governing International Oil and Gas - University of East London
Learning outcome 1: Demonstrate familiarity with and understanding of the main conceptual issues of the international political economy of the oil and gas industry.
Learning outcome 2: Debate the role of the oil and gas sector in economic development and the impact of emerging competition within the sector.
Learning outcome 3: Demonstrate a critical awareness of the main conceptual issues and their suitability and applicability to critically analyse case-study, industry-focused material.
Learning outcome 4: Develop and express ideas in the form of independent research.
Learning outcome 5: Use information and knowledge effectively to abstract meaning from information and share knowledge.
Learning outcome 6: Understand and apply information and knowledge effectively through in-depth understanding of the effects of changing energy governance.
The National Oil Companies (NOCs) and the International Oil Companies (IOCs) are considered to be the most important ‘players' in the International Oil and Gas Industry, and represent two opposing ends in terms of their strategic goals. On the one end, NOCs have a high public policy goal and a low shareholder value goal while, on the other end, IOCs have a low public policy goal and a high shareholder value goal. Please discuss the principles and rationale behind the respective strategies followed by NOCs and IOCs and compare their advantages and disadvantages. Considering these strategies, explain the position of the more strategically- balanced or ‘hybrid' NOCs in the International Oil and Gas market, with respect to NOCs and IOCs.
Your coursework should include a discussion of the following important points:
1. An insightful introduction to who the NOCs and IOCs are and what their general role is in the International Oil and Gas Industry.
2. The main principles, objectives and/or priorities associated with either the NOC and IOC strategies (in the main body of the coursework).
3. A discussion of the key advantages and disadvantages of NOCs and IOCs and a comparison between them (in the main body of the coursework).
4. A discussion of how the ‘hybrid' NOCs combine elements of both the NOC and IOC strategies (in the main body of the coursework).
5. A conclusion/summary of the main points included in your analysis and reflection on whether NOCs, IOCs and ‘hybrid' NOCs are sustainable, with respect to their strategic goals.
Attachment:- Governing International Oil and Gas.rar