Experimental Constructed Textiles
The aim of this unit is to offer learners the opportunity to broaden their skills and understanding of constructed textiles through extensive exploration and experiment with media, materials, techniques, technologies and processes.
Learning outcomes
LO1 Understand the properties and characteristics of materials and processes for constructed textiles
1.1 Diagnose the aesthetic and decorative characteristics of materials
1.2 Evaluate the creative potential of textile materials and processes
LO2 Be able to collect source materials and carry out preparatory processes
2.1 Research relevant sources to develop imaginative and creative outcomes
2.2 Select a variety of traditional and non-traditional materials and perform preparatory procedures
LO3 Be able to produce a portfolio of work to meet creative intentions
3.1 Explore the working characteristics and properties of traditional and non-traditional media and materials to produce innovative samples
3.2 Exploit techniques, technologies and processes in own work for innovative design development
3.3 Demonstrate a personal creative approach in the application of techniques and processes to produce experimental constructed textile samples
LO4 Be able to assess and refine own work to meet design intentions and functional requirements
4.1 Analyse the strengths, weaknesses and opportunities for refinement of the end product and justify creative intentions
4.2 Develop ‘fit for purpose’ end product based on evaluation of samples
4.3 Compile comprehensive records on sample production for future reference.