T/600/6648-Multi-Camera Techniques-Describe multi-camera

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Multi-Camera Techniques

Aim and purpose

This unit aims to develop understanding of multi-camera television formats, and to develop skills in multicamera production techniques. Learners will also gain an appreciation of how the multi-camera process integrates with other production skills and gain valuable experience of studio management, multi-camera directing and studio floor techniques

Learning outcomes

On completion of this unit a learner should:

1 Understand programme formats that use multi-camera production

2 Be able to plan a multi-camera production

3 Be able to perform an operational role in a multi-camera production.


In order to pass this unit, the evidence that the learner presents for assessment needs to demonstrate that they can meet all the learning outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria for a pass grade describe the level of achievement required to pass this unit.

P1 describe multi-camera production programme formats with some appropriate use of subject terminology

P2 plan a multi-camera production with some assistance

P3 perform an operational role in a multi-camera production with some assistance.

M1 explain multi-camera production programme formats with reference to detailed illustrative examples and with generally correct use of subject terminology

M2 plan a multi-camera production competently and effectively showing some imagination and with only occasional assistance

M3 perform an operational role in a multi-camera production to a good technical standard with only occasional assistance.

D1 comprehensively explain multi-camera production programme formats with elucidated examples and consistently using subject
terminology correctly

D2 plan a multi-camera production to a quality that reflects near-professional standards showing creativity and flair and working independently to professional expectations

D3 perform an operational role in a multi-camera production to a technical quality that reflects near-professional standards working independently to professional expectations.

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