The aim of this unit is to enable learners to investigate the support available for thoseexperiencing significant life events and the effectiveness of service responses in supporting suchindividuals.
Learning Outcomes
LO1 Understand how significant life events impact on individuals and their social networks
1.1 explain the impact of significant life events on individuals
1.2 analyse possible group responses to significant life events that occur to one of its members
1.3 analyse the impact for others in health and social care when an individual experiences significant life events
LO2 Understand the support available for individuals experiencing significant life events
2.1 evaluate the effectiveness of organisational policies and procedures in supporting individuals and their social networks affected by significant life events
2.2 explain how others in social networks may provide support to individuals experiencing significant life events
2.3 evaluate the suitability of external sources of support for those affected by significant life events
LO3 Be able to analyse responses made by health and social care services to support individuals experiencing significant life events.
3.1 analyse possible organisational responses to the need to support individuals experiencing a significant life event
3.2 reflect on own personal contributions to the support of individuals experiencing significant life events
3.3 make recommendations for improving the support available in a health and social care organisation for individuals and their social networks when affected by significant life events.