Support Individuals with a Learning Disability to Access

Post New Homework

Unit 99: Support Individuals with a Learning Disability to Access Healthcare

Learning outcomes

1 Understand legislation, policies and guidance relevant to individuals with learning disabilities accessing healthcare

1.1 Describe what is meant by a rights-based approach to accessing healthcare

1.2 Outline the main points of legislation that exists to support a rightsbased approach

1.3 Explain the requirements of legislation if an individual with learning disabilities is assessed to not have capacity to consent to a specific treatment decision

1.4 Explain different ways to support an individual to give informed consent in line with legislation, policies or guidance

1.5 Explain ways in which healthcare services should make ‘reasonable adjustments’ to ensure that they provide equal access to individuals with learning disabilities

2 Understand the function of different healthcare services that an individual with learning disabilities may need to access

2.1 Explain the work of healthcare services that an individual with learning disabilities may need to access

2.2 Explain how an individual can access each type of healthcare service

3 Understand the role of professionals within different healthcare services that a person with learning disabilities may need to access

3.1 Describe the role and responsibility of professionals working in different types of healthcare services

4 Understand how plans for healthcare and regular health checks underpin long-term health and wellbeing for individuals with learning disabilities

4.1 Explain how plans for healthcare can be used to support the healthcare needs of an individual with learning disabilities

4.2 Explain the range of health checks available to individuals to support good health and wellbeing

4.3 Explain the importance of routine healthcare checks

5 Be able to complete and review plans for healthcare

5.1 Identify who needs to be involved in the process of completing and reviewing plans for healthcare

5.2 Complete plans for healthcare with an individual or significant others if appropriate

5.3 Review plans for healthcare with an individual or significant others if appropriate

6 Understand the issues that an individual with learning disabilities may face when accessing a variety of healthcare services

6.1 Describe barriers to accessing healthcare services that an individual with learning disabilities may experience

6.2 Explain ways to overcome barriers to accessing healthcare services

6.3 Explain why an individual with learning disabilities may face additional barriers when accessing healthcare services

7 Be able to support an individual with learning disabilities when accessing a variety of healthcare services

7.1 Use a person-centred approach to support an individual to access healthcare services

7.2 Provide accessible information related to healthcare to individuals

7.3 Work with others when supporting an individual to access healthcare services

7.4 Support individuals in a range of practical healthcare situations

7.5 Support the individual to make safe choices with regard to treatments and medication

7.6 Record details of a healthcare visit in a format that an individual with learning disabilities can understand

7.7 Identify an individual’s needs to healthcare professionals to ensure that the service can be accessed

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