Support individuals who are distressed
Unit aim
This unit is aimed at those working in a wide range of settings. It provides the learner with the knowledge and skills required to provide support to individuals through periods of distress.
Outcome 1 Understand causes and effects of distress
1. identify common causes of distress
2. describe signs that may indicate an individual is distressed
3. explain how distress may affect the way an individual communicates
4. explain how working with an individual who is distressed may impact on own well being.
Outcome 2 Prepare to support individuals who are experiencing distress
1. access information and advice about supporting an individual through a time of distress
2. establish signs of distress that would indicate the need for specialist intervention
3. describe how to access specialist intervention
4. identify sources of support to manage own feelings when working with an individual who is distressed.
Outcome 3 Support individuals through periods of distress
1. communicate empathy and reassurance in ways that respect the individual's dignity, culture and beliefs
2. demonstrate ways to alleviate immediate distress
3. adapt support in response to the individual's reactions
4. demonstrate how to involve others in supporting an individual who is distressed.
Outcome 4 Support individuals to reduce distress
1. encourage the individual to express thoughts and feelings about troubling aspects of their life
2. work with the individual and others to identify triggers for distress
3. work with an individual and others to reduce triggers or alleviate causes of distress
4. encourage the individual to review their usual ways of coping with distress.
Outcome 5 Record and report on an individual's distress
1. maintain records relating to the individual's distress and the support provided
2. report on periods of distress in line with agreed ways of working.