Support independence in the tasks of daily living
Unit aim
This unit is aimed at those working in a wide range of settings. It provides the learner with the knowledge and skills required to support individuals in the tasks of daily living and promote their independence in these areas.
Outcome 1 Understand principles for supporting independence in the tasks of daily living
1. explain how individuals can benefit from being as independent as possible in the tasks of daily living
2. explain how active participation promotes independence in the tasks of daily living
3. describe how daily living tasks may be affected by an individual's culture or background
4. explain the importance of providing support that respects the individual's culture and preferences
5. describe how to identify suitable opportunities for an individual to learn or practise skills for daily living
6. explain why it is important to establish roles and responsibilities for providing support.
Outcome 2 Establish what support is required for daily living tasks The learner can:
1. access information about support for daily living tasks, using an individual's care plan and agreed ways of working
2. clarify with the individual and others the requirements for supporting an individual's independence in daily living tasks
3. describe how and when to access additional guidance to resolve any difficulties or concerns about support for daily living tasks.
Outcome 3 Provide support for planning and preparing meals
1. support the individual to plan meals that contribute to a healthy diet and reflect the individual's culture and preferences
2. support the individual to store food safely
3. support the individual to prepare food in a way that promotes active participation and safety.
Outcome 4 Provide support for buying and using household and personal items
1. identify different ways of buying household and personal items
2. work with the individual to identify household and personal items that are needed
3. support the individual to buy items in their preferred way
4. support the individual to store items safely
5. support the individual to use items safely.
Outcome 5 Provide support for keeping the home clean and secure
1. support the individual to keep their home clean, in a way that promotes active participation and safety
2. describe different risks to home security that may need to be addressed
3. support the individual to use agreed security measures.
Outcome 6 Identify and respond to changes needed in support for daily living tasks
1. enable the individual to express views about the support provided to increase independence in daily living tasks
2. record changes in the individual's circumstances that may affect the type or level of support required
3. adapt support in agreed ways to address concerns, changes or increased independence.