Rights, responsibilities and protection in care- Level 2

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Rights, responsibilities and protection in care


This unit is about understanding and applying the values that underpin all care practice. It deals with the core principles of supporting the care, protection and well-being of individuals.

Outcome 1 Investigate values, rights and responsibilities

1.1 list the rights of the individual from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

1.2 describe the national and organisational policies in relation to promoting rights of individuals in own workplace

1.3 describe the values and principles of care

1.4 explain how care values affect the responsibilities of the care worker

1.5 describe how care values may differ from those held by other people

1.6 describe how conflicts and issues caused by differing values may be overcome

1.7 explain how to deal with comments and complaints.

Outcome 2 Describe the rights, needs and responsibilities of the individual

2.1 describe ways of finding out about an individual’s needs, rights and preferences

2.2 describe ways to encourage people to take as much control over their lives as possible

2.3 state why it is important to check for changes in an individual’s condition and circumstances

2.4 describe how the use of risk assessments may protect people whilst respecting their views and choices

2.5 describe ways of supporting people to understand their needs, rights and responsibilities.

Outcome 3 Identify ways of working which respect the diversity of individuals

3.1 outline the local and national requirements relating to individual rights and equality

3.2 describe ways in which local and national requirements are put into practice to promote equality and diversity in the care setting

3.3 explain what is meant by person centred practice

3.4 describe ways of promoting equality and diversity in the care setting

3.5 describe how events and experiences throughout a person’s life can affect them.

Outcome 4 Identify own responsibilities in protecting individuals from harm and abuse

4.1 describe different types of harm and abuse

4.2 identify factors that may lead to danger, harm and abuse

4.3 identify signs and symptoms of harm and abuse

4.4 identify how to get advice, support and information about protection and improving practice in dealing with abuse

4.5 describe the correct actions to be taken if abuse is suspected or disclosed.

This task comprises four tasks. All tasks must be successfully completed to pass this unit.

Task A

1 Find out about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Write a short explanation of individual rights which are protected by this document.

2 Identify national and local guidelines relating to rights, equality and diversity. Record your answers in the table provided.

Task B

Design and produce an information pack to advertise service provided by your workplace or you as an individual care worker. The information pack must contain reference to the following:

• how care which enables individuals to make choices is provided

• how an individual’s dignity is maintained

• how respect for individuals is demonstrated

• how individual needs are met

• how the individual who is being cared for can give feedback on what they are happy or unhappy about

• how confidentiality is maintained

• how risk is assessed and managed

Task C

Interview an individual you care for and complete a personal history of them. This should include the following points:

• identify events which have influenced the individual’s attitude to life

• how do their attitudes differ from other people (this can include yourself)

• three other ways of finding out about the individual’s needs

• ideas for the best way of meeting individual’s needs

• how could you best deal with differences in opinion

• explain why you should review your practice with the individual as the situation changes

Task D

1 Identify four factors which may lead people to abuse.

2 Identify four reasons why some individuals may be more likely to be abused.

3 Imagine you are helping a new carer to understand their responsibility for protecting individuals. Design and produce a booklet which covers the following guidance:

• six different types of abuse (the table below can be used to answer this question)

• signs which would lead you to suspect that an individual is being abused (the table below can be used to answer this question)

• where the new carer could get information or advice about protecting individuals.

4 Draw a flow chart or write a series of actions outlining what to do in the case of suspected or confirmed abuse.

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