Research on Role of intrinsic and Extrinsic motivational

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Research on Role of intrinsic and Extrinsic motivational factors in managing employee loyalty in UK hospitality industry: A review of the literature

Assignment task

Chapter one. Introduction: Completion of aims, research, hypothesis and methodology to form a general introduction to your research (Simply what the research is about and what you are going to discuss in the report).

Chapter two: Literature Review (Critically analysis important relevant research performed by others in the area - cite your sources, focus on how this previous work connects to and leads to your research, use sub headings, discuss strengths and weaknesses, present a balanced critical debate.

Chapter three: Methodology (How did you conduct the research, what methods did you use, discuss the construction of your data collection method (if relevant), discuss the administration of the above data collection method (if relevant), discuss how you designed the instrument (if relevant), discuss how you analysed any data collected, use sub-headings and remember to cite source.

LO 1 Critically review and analyse literature pertaining to the topic area selected for the overall research aim and objectives of the Dissertation;

LO 2 Critically evaluate a range of research methods and apply appropriate research techniques for the collection and analysis of data in order to address the research aim and objectives;

LO 3 Critically analyse the primary research findings in relation to theories and concepts to arrive at a set of evaluative conclusions and recommendations, where appropriate;

LO 4 Demonstrate transferable skills including time management, project management, listening, negotiation, written communication skills, independent learning and advanced research skills.

Task requirements

Part 1
Research Proposal (3000 words) was already submitted and graded already.

Part 2
Introduction (1000 words) Literature review (2000 words) Methodology (1000 words)

In addition to what is provided above, you should set out (indicatively): your title/topic, the aims of the research, a definition of the research problem, research questions,

a critical review of literature and identify a gap within that literature that your research will attempt to address (what is missing in the field, why is it important and how does your work address that gap?). methodology as illustrated above references

Chapter four: Case Study (Applied Context, maximum 1800 words) This chapter provides a more detailed look at the organisation you introduced in Chapter 1. It is about the problem situation - the organisation, the business - not about theories --- not using material from the modules - though basic things such as TOWS/PESTEL might be used here. Justify why you are addressing this organisation What are the issues? Make sure your answer to this question leads the reader to the concepts you discuss in Chapter 2. For example, if Chapter 2 focussed on global strategy and leadership, this chapter should lead to those things being an issue to investigate at your case organisation

Chapter five: Key findings and discussion (Results and analysis. maximum 1100 words)
In this chapter you are required to report your key findings of your secondary research conducted. Remember, none is doing primary
You are required to provide detailed interpretations of key findings based on the aim, objectives and questions raised in your introduction chapter You should also discuss the key implications of your research

Your discussions should be linked with key arguments and points raised within your literature review chapter. That is, it is about applying the concepts you chose in 2 to the firm you chose in 3.

You can make good use of tables and diagrams here, which keeps the word count down. Findings and Analysis Discussion incorporating a literature search and an explanation of your personal contribution. Analyse and explain your findings You do this by comparing and contrasting your findings with the theory from the literature review section. Did your findings fit with the theory - why or why not? What does this MEAN for future researchers in this area, etc. Very important to cite your sources in this section.

Note: It is NOT the reader's job to interpret your data

Chapter six: Conclusions and recommendations (Maximum 1100 words)

You need to comment/demonstrate that you have answered the research questions indicated in the introduction chapter.

Consider how your findings were agreeing or disagreeing with key points/arguments included in your literature section.

You should aim to outline key implications for your selected case study and future research to be conducted.

Provide key recommendations based on the given contexticase for the research (serving the purpose of the research as indicated in your introduction)

Summarise key points from research
Be concise
Show how your work links to previous work
Cite key references
Important - note there should be no new material in this section

Show very clearly how each recommendation is derived from the conclusions

Reflection from the Study - (Maximum 500 words). This is where you state your opinions based upon the data you have collected and analysed).

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