Reference Sources And Services
Course Description:
The course introduces learners to different reference sources of information and how they can be used in information work. It provides students with the techniques of identifying, selecting, evaluating and sourcing information from reference information sources and providing adequately the desired reference services.
Course Objectives:
The course is designed to educate and expose learners to reference information sources and services that can be used to cater for varying needs of users in libraries and information centres.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the course, learners should be able to:
1. Identify reference information sources
2. Evaluate and select reference information sources
3. Utilize reference information sources
4. Describe and recommend reference information sources and services
Intellectual, Practical and Transferable Skills:
• Skills in identifying reference information sources
• Skills in evaluation and selection of reference information sources
• Skills in Utilizing reference information sources
• Knowledge of reference information sources and services
• Knowledge and skills in the application of ICT in reference services