Advanced Project Management
Module summary
Mastering project management is crucial to organisations in the 21st century. Recognising the importance of both tools and techniques as well as human and organisational factors in achieving project success, the module enables students to learn the ‘hard' science essential for project managers today, but with the crucial emphasis on the soft skills involved in managing people and change in order to help achieve delivery of successful projects.
Through extensive case study analysis, and with insight from current research, you will evaluate the role of the project manager in today's workplace and critically review the rise of the project-centric organisation in a global context. Relating theory to practical reality in the light of the current research, you will understand new best practice in project management and how it impacts organisations seeking to run effective projects, both locally and across international borders.
Learning objective 1: Knowledge outcomes - you will be able to demonstrate a critical understanding of the skills and competencies needed by project managers and selectively apply the relevant tools and techniques available to address challenges and solve problems involved in managing complex international projects, in line with organisations' strategic direction.
Learning objective 2: Cognitive skills outcomes - you will be able to create, enhance and critique project planning documentation as well as applying soft skills in a team leadership context and recognizing and initiating change in organisations.
Assignment: Case Review
• Chosen case and headline points about the project (especially important if it is one you have chosen yourself)
• Summary paragraph about the approach to risk management
• Summary paragraph about main stakeholders, their impact on the project and whether or not their needs were correctly addressed
• Brief discussion defining success or failure of the project with justification of your decision
• Paragraph reflecting on what you have learned and how it may be applied to your understanding of the challenges of international projects (where relevant)
• Brief list of major sources used (does not have to be full Harvard standard at this stage)
Assessment 2: Case Study Analysis
You are required to choose from the following project case studies, all of which are relatively well documented online and in textbooks. Note that some are great successes, some are terrible failures and some could be argued either way depending on your perspective. All are well documented but do make sure you focus on the way project management processes were (or were not) followed and do not use up large word count on engineering or technical descriptions as this is not an engineering module:
• Space Shuttle Challenger testing and launch
• Crossrail implementation on London's tube network
• Siemens Business Services - UK Passport system development and launch
• Comparing & Contrasting Burj Khalifa Dubai (&The Shard UK design and build)
• Boeing 787 development
• The Thames Tideway Upgrading London's Sewer System
Environmental Projects (UK, Europe or World): Energy, Utilities, Flood and Coastal Erosion
There must be a major project undertaking in order to base your development against.
Alternative options:
1. If you have access to adequate sources of information, you are free to approach your tutor to suggest an alternative case study for your work, particularly if you have personal experience of it. Such requests will only be granted if the tutor believes the subject may be appropriate and that the information available is public domain and can therefore be verified and referenced.
2. If you are studying through one of Roehampton University's partner institutions around the world your tutor may give you additional project options from, or relevant to, your local environment
You job for this assignment is to analyse and critique the success or failure of the project specifically in terms of its project management capability and to tell us what you have learned from this. For example, Burj Khalifa was an engineering success story but, as a project, can it, and should it, be seen as successful? In this particular case how does it compare to ‘The Shard' in its approach to development and construction techniques. Do not get distracted by detail of the engineering processes or technical design. These may be important but your focus MUST be on the application of the project management process throughout the project's lifecycle. Specifically, analyse the case's approach to risk management and stakeholder management. You will draw on the perspectives of project management best practice and academic literature and demonstrate your understanding of how the case does or does not reflect this best practice. The tasks and marking criteria are as follows:
1. Discuss and critique the project team's approach to the management of project risk
2. Analyse the approach to stakeholder management
3. Decide to what extent you believe the project (or some aspects of it) should be seen as a success. Critique and compare your view with that of others (media, investors, employees, etc.) and justify your position.Having reviewed risk management, stakeholder management and the success or failure of the project what lessons can be learned.
4. From above (and wider projects investigations in a similar field) what can you offer to help the profession of project management in their applied application to projects? Specifically, if you were writing an article for the Association of Project Managers what would you highlight to the readers to help them in their careers and to do their own jobs better?
5. Overall quality of writing, presentation and academic standards (referencing syntax, etc.).
This is an individual report and should be approximately 3,500 words, not including references, diagrams, tables, appendices and headings.
To help you, the following is a suggested template structure for your report although this is not prescriptive and you are free to use a different structure if you prefer:
• Title Page
• Abstract
• Table of Contents
• Brief Introduction to the Project - what, why, where and when
• Risk Management - approach to project risk management, major risks to project success, how specific risks were dealt with, etc.
• Stakeholder Management - who were the major stakeholders, why important, how were they managed?
• Success Review - in what way was the project a success or failure - justify from multiple perspectives. What you learned from the project you are reviewing. This could be a separate heading Lessons learned?
• Project Management Professional Application - this is worth 25% of the marks so spend some time on this and demonstrate depth of understanding. (see Below)
• Final conclusions
• References
• Bibliography
• Appendices (if needed)
Attachment:- Advanced Project Management.rar