Concrete Design
Aim: The purpose of this unit is to enable learners to develop an understanding of the uses of concrete, the properties of concrete and its constituent parts, the methods, equipment, tools and plant used to produce concrete and the formal methods used to specify concrete mix designs.
Learning outcome
1. know the types and constituents of concrete
1.1 describe different types of concrete
1.2 describe the constituents of concrete
1.3 explain how the fineness and chemical make-up of cements affect the properties of concrete
1.4 explain how the properties of aggregates affect concrete
1.5 explain the role of water used in concrete
1.6 compare the effects of different admixtures on concrete
1.7 explain why tests are used to determine the properties of concrete and its constituent parts
1.8 explain the procedures used to determine the properties of concrete and its constituent parts.
2. understand concrete practices
2.1 describe the methods used to produce concrete
2.2 explain factors considered in the reinforcement of concrete
2.3 describe how plant and equipment is used in concreting
2.4 explain factors considered in the use of formwork and falsework in concreting
2.5 explain health and safety ‘best practice' to be followed when concreting.
3. be able to design concrete mixes
3.1 compare methods used to design concrete mixes in accordance with standards
3.2 design a concrete mix to meet specified parameters.