Provide support for therapy sessions
Unit aim
This unit is aimed at those working in a wide range of settings. The unit provides the learner with the knowledge and skills needed to support individuals participating in therapy sessions. It covers preparation, support, observation, recording and review of therapy sessions.
Outcome 1 Understand the benefits of therapy sessions
1. identify different types of therapy sessions in which an individual may participate
2. describe how therapy sessions can benefit an individual.
Outcome 2 Prepare for therapy sessions
1. establish own responsibilities in preparing for a therapy session
2. identify with the individual their preferences and requirements for the therapy session
3. follow instructions to prepare the environment, materials, equipment and self for the session.
Outcome 3 Provide support in therapy sessions
The learner can:
1. provide support during a therapy session that takes account of:
• the therapist's directions
• the individual's preferences and requirements
2. promote the active participation of the individual during the session
3. describe ways to overcome fears or concerns an individual may have about a therapy session.
Outcome 4 Observe and record therapy sessions
1. agree what observations need to be carried out during therapy sessions
2. agree how observations will be recorded
3. carry out agreed observations
4. record agreed observations as required.
Outcome 5 Contribute to the review of therapy sessions
1. contribute to a review of therapy sessions to identify issues and progress
2. contribute to agreeing changes to therapy sessions with the individual and others.