Database Management Systems
Aim/Goal: This course is intended to enable the students acquire in-depth knowledge of office information system with particular emphasis to file creation, storage, management and manipulation. It is also intended to generate management reports using a modern computer software application system.
General Objectives:
1. Understand key database (DTB) concepts and applications in modern office
Define database systems and its importance in modern offices. Explain the impact of accurate database creation and maintenance.
Explain dtb tables, fields, records and primary key field.
* Illustrate Database tables, fields, records and primary key fields.
* Understand the meaning of DBMS.
Show how to identify the following: Data, Information, Database, Database Management system.
Explain with illustrations the following:
Database tables, a field, a record and a primary key field.
Promote students group discussions on possible applications of DTBMS and their impacts on modern offices.
Define file systems Explain in detail the elements of a file
Describe types of file and identify file organisation methods
* Identify file access methods
* Identify file characteristics
* Explain file processing operations
* Explain file security and techniques.
Group students and make them to identify qualities of a good filing system
Demonstrate how to start a DBM application
Know how to quit DBM application
Understanding DBM toolbars and making use of the various menu commands
* Explain the various ways of loading DBMS.
* Discuss the various ways of quitting DBMS.
* Explain fully the different Toolbars in DBMS.
* Utilize the various menu commands in DBMS.
Understand the principles for creating a new database. Explain how to start creating a database.
*Demonstrate how to create a New Database using Database Wizard.
* Apply the techniques for saving a New Database.
Show how to open a Database table, setting field properties. And modifying table structures.
* Demonstrate practically how to create a New Database Table from scratch.
* Demonstrate the use of Database Wizard in creating a new Database.
* Open a Database table in Datasheet view.
* Illustrate how table structures could be changed or improved.
* Demonstrate entering table data.
* Apply DBMS data types.
* Demonstrate formats of entering Dates and Time.
* Demonstrate working in the Database view.
*Demonstrate organizing a Database.
Discuss the procedures of creating, and saving a database.
Set tasks to students to practice with real data.
1) Perform Data entry in Datasheet view.
2) Discuss the various types of Data that could be entered in Database view.
3) Discuss the formats of entering Dates and Times.
4) Discuss the procedures of switching between table design view and Database view.
5) Explain the physical order and the logical order of entering records in Database.