O32-K/602/2572-Lead Positive Behavioural Support-Pearson

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Lead Positive Behavioural Support

Unit summary

The purpose of this unit is to assess the learner’s knowledge, understanding and skills required to lead the promotion of positive behaviour and safe responses to instances of challenging behaviour. It is aimed at those who lead services for individuals who have complex needs and behaviour which severely challenge services.

Learning outcomes Assessment

1 Understand the theoretical background and current policy context of Positive Behavioural Support

1.1 Analyse theories underpinning Positive Behavioural Support

1.2 Evaluate how current policy informs Positive Behavioural Support practice

2 Be able to conduct a functional analysis of an individual requiring Positive Behavioural Support

2.1 Explain the importance of ensuring functional analysis is based on formal assessment

2.2 Work with others to produce behavioural assessment reports

2.3 Apply indirect assessment schedules and collect direct observation data

2.4 Triangulate and analyse data collected

2.5 Formulate and test hypotheses on the function of identified challenging behaviours

3 Be able to design and lead person-centred, primary prevention strategies

3.1 Determine a set of primary prevention interventions with others to address all fast and slow behavioural triggers identified via a functional analysis of  hallenging behaviour

3.2 Develop a schedule of structured activities and required support with others to maximise an individual’s participation throughout each day

3.3 Design a detailed skill teaching procedure with others to address an identified challenging behaviour

3.4 Lead the implementation of agreed person-centred primary prevention interventions

3.5 Apply tests of social validity to all primary interventions designed for an individual

4 Be able to design and lead  secondary prevention strategies

4.1 Identify and define with others the early warning signs of agitation for an individual

4.2 Construct with others a set of secondary prevention strategies derived from the functional analysis of an individual’s behaviour

4.3 Lead the implementation of agreed person-centred secondary prevention interventions

4.4 Apply tests of social validity to all secondary interventions designed for an individual

5 Be able to assess the appropriateness of reactive strategy use

5.1 Critically compare the use of non aversive and aversive reactive strategies

5.2 Justify the use or absence of reactive strategies for an individual

5.3 Identify the post-incident support needs of an individual and others to include:

- immediate

- intermediate

- longer term

6 Be able to lead the implementation of a Positive Behavioural Support Plan

6.1 Collaborate with others to produce a Positive Behavioural Support Plan for an individual to promote a helpful culture and environment which contains:

- primary strategies

- secondary strategies

- reactive strategies

6.2 Support others to understand the detail of the Positive Behavioural Support Plan

6.3 Support others to develop knowledge, understanding and skills to implement the Positive Behavioural Support Plan

6.4 Provide others with constructive feedback on their implementation of the Positive Behavioural Support Plan

7 Be able to manage and review the implementation of Positive Behavioural Support Plans

7.1 Explain how the attitudes and skills of others may impact on a Positive Behavioural Support Plan

7.2 Work with others to review the plan using the Positive Behaviour Support Plan Checklist

7.3 Make required amendments to the Positive Behavioural Support Plan

7.4 Construct and implement a Positive Monitoring Process

7.5 Develop an individualised Periodic Service Review

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