MODOO2641 Data structures and algorithms Assignment help

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MODOO2641 Data structures and algorithms

COVID-19 Pandemic Exam-replacement Coursework

Task A (500 words max)

Explain about how graphs can be used to help understand the Friendship Paradox (Feld, 1991) that suggests that most people have a smaller number of friends than their friends have. Discuss the relationship between this paradox and disease epidemics such as covid-19. Use appropriate figures (graph diagrams, line graphs) and equations to support your answer.

Task B (500 words max)

Clearly explain and demonstrate any one of the following forty two graph theorems, describing any important implications and potential applications. Use appropriate figures and equations to support your answer.

2-factor theorem  Gallai-Hasse-Roy-Vitaver theorem 
Balinski's theorem  Graph structure theorem 
Berge's theorem  Grinberg's theorem
BEST theorem  Grötzsch's theorem 
Brooks' theorem  Hall's marriage theorem 
Cayley's theorem Kirchhoff's theorem
Cederbaum's maximum flow theorem  Konig's theorem 
Circle packing theorem Kotzig's theorem 
De Bruijn-Erdos theorem  Kuratowski's theorem
Dirac's theorem  Max-flow min-cut theorem 
Erdos-Gallai theorem  Menger's theorem
Erdos-Pósa theorem  Ore's theorem
Erdos-Stone theorem  Perfect graph theorem 
Even circuit theorem  Petersen's theorem 
Fáry's theorem Planar separator theorem 
Five color theorem  Ramsey's theorem
Fleischner's theorem  Road coloring theorem 
Four color theorem  Robbins' theorem 
Frucht's theorem Robertson-Seymour theorem 
Fulkerson-Chen-Anstee theorem  Schnyder's theorem
Gale-Ryser theorem Vizing's Theorem

Task C (500 words max)

Clearly explain and demonstrate one of the graph conjectures described in the journal article Bondy (2013), describing any important implications and potential applications. Use appropriate figures and equations to support your answer.

Attachment:- Data structures and algorithms.rar

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