Development for Success in Business Assignment - Report
Essay question - Write a report analysing your learning style and motivations to attend lectures. Your analysis should incorporate the learning theories you have been learning in class.
Your report structure is outlined below:
1. Introduction (around 200 words)
This should include a hook, background and an outline.
The background of your introduction should be a brief autobiography of your past learning experiences in which you should discuss:
-Which educational experiences you had (Primary, secondary/high school, GCSEs, A Levels, GNVQ/BTEC, ESOL, Functional Skills, Access to Higher Education, certificate & diploma)
-Your goals/motivations - what did you want to gain from these experiences?
-Your attendance - was it poor, okay or 100%?
-What affected your attendance?
2. Learning Styles Analysis (around 150-200 words)
Discuss Honey & Mumford's "Learning Styles" theory and compare it to ONE other learning theory from the list below:
- Learning Styles theory by Kolb (1984)
- VARK model by Fleming (1987)
3. Student Attendance (around 100-150 words)
Discuss the 6 types of attenders according to Dolnicar (2004) cited in the Understanding Student Attendance by Mearman et al. (2014).
4. Self-Analysis (around 100-150 words)
In this section, you should:
-identify and analyse your own preferred learning style according to Honey & Mumford's Learning Styles questionnaire (Click here to take the questionnaire)
-identify the type of attender you are according to Dolnicar (2004) 6-types of attenders.
5. Conclusion (around 150 words)
Identify two weaknesses of your Honey & Mumford learning style and suggest ways to improve these two weaknesses for the future.
6. Reference List (not included in the word count)
List at least THREE references (sources) you used to write your essay. Look at the references your teacher used in the class in Week 3 and 4.