Maintaining the Independent Advocacy

Post New Homework

Maintaining the Independent Advocacy Relationship

Learning outcomes

1 Know what to do when faced with practice dilemmas

1.1 Identify a range of ethical and practical challenges commonly faced by advocates

1.2 Develop a plan or strategy to respond to a range of challenges and threats

1.3 Identify a range of people who can offer support in responding to dilemmas and threats

2 Deal positively with conflict

2.1 Identify a range of situations and people where conflict may arise

2.2 Develop positive strategies in resolving conflict

3 Maintain accurate records

3.1 Explain the importance of writing and maintaining accurate records

3.2 Identify a range of information which is and is not relevant

3.3 Use appropriate templates to record information

4 Prioritise competing work commitments

4.1 Identify essential and non-essential advocacy tasks

4.2 Prioritise competing commitments and tasks

5 Use personal value base and power appropriately

5.1 Explain personal motivation and why the learner wants to provide independent advocacy support

5.2 Identify personal values in relation to mental health, disability, human rights, participation and best interests

5.3 Identify sources of personal power

6 Use supervision as a tool to reflect and improve practice

6.1 Explain the purpose and function of supervision

6.2 Identify methods of preparing for supervision

6.3 Participate in supervision

6.4 Use self-reflection to explore the advocate practice

6.5 Use supervision to identify opportunities to improve skills and knowledge

6.6 Use supervision to explore emotional and practical challenges

7 Use local and national networks

7.1 Identify the role of local and national networks

7.2 Access support from local and national networks

7.3 Contribute to the work of local and national networks

8 Respond to concerns of abuse

8.1 Identify potential signs of child (or) adult abuse

8.2 Explain child (or) adult protection procedures

8.3 Use the advocacy organisation’s protection policy to respond to concerns of abuse

8.4 Ensure the individual receiving advocacy support is empowered to have their voice heard through protection processes

8.5 Support the individual uphold their right to be heard

Post New Homework

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