LD 504-K/601/7355-Active Support: Lead Interactive

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Active Support: Lead Interactive Training

Unit summary

The purpose of this unit is to provide the learner with the knowledge,understanding and skills to deliver interactive training. It is aimed at those whose role includes managing or training others to deliver direct support and targeted assistance to individuals.

Learning outcomes Assessment

1 Understand the theoretical background to person-centred interactive training

1.1 Explain what is meant by person-centred interactive training

1.2 Clarify the key factors that make training effective in improving others’ performance and the service outcomes

1.3 Explain how the three-stage training model can be used in interactive training

1.4 Summarise the theory of positive interaction

1.5 Explain the process of person-centred interactive training

2 Be able to plan person-centred interactive training sessions to enhance whole team performance

2.1 Involve key others in developing the training plan, to ensure the needs of individuals are met

2.2 Develop a timetable of scheduled in-situ training sessions for others working directly with individuals

2.3 Explain to others the preparation required prior to personcentred interactive training

3 Be able to lead person-centred interactive training sessions in situ

3.1 Clarify aims and process of person-centred interactive training sessions with others to be trained

3.2 Assess the performance of others through direct observation using a structured format

3.3 Demonstrate required skills and process during direct observation of others

4 Be able to provide support to improve the performance of others

4.1 Give constructive feedback to others on their performance, using a structured format

4.2 Demonstrate required skills and values when giving feedback to others

4.3 Act as a role-model to demonstrate desired performance to others

4.4 Assess when others have achieved a satisfactory level of performance

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