Support person-centred thinking and planning
Unit aim
This unit is aimed at those who work in a range of health and social care settings. Person-centred thinking and planning reflects what is important to individuals and supports them to live the life they choose. This unit provides knowledge about the principles and processes of person-centred thinking, planning and reviews. It also requires demonstration of the skills and attitudes required to support person-centred thinking.
Outcome 1 Understand the principles and practice of person-centred thinking, planning and reviews
1. identify the beliefs and values on which person-centred thinking and planning is based
2. define person-centred thinking, person-centred planning and person-centred reviews
3. describe the difference that person-centred thinking can make to individuals and their families
4. describe examples of person-centred thinking tools
5. explain what a ‘one page profile’ is
6. describe the person-centred review process.
Outcome 2 Understand the context within which person-centred thinking and planning takes place
1. outline current legislation, policy and guidance underpinning person-centred thinking and planning
2. describe the relationship between person-centred planning and personalised services
3. identify ways that person-centred thinking can be used:
• with individuals
• in teams.
Outcome 3 Understand own role in person-centred planning, thinking and reviews
1. describe own role in person-centred thinking, planning and reviews when supporting individuals
2. identify challenges that may be faced in implementing person-centred thinking, planning and reviews in own work
3. describe how these challenges might be overcome.
Outcome 4 Apply person-centred thinking in relation to own life
1. demonstrate how to use a person-centred thinking tool in relation to own life to identify what is working and not working
2. describe own relationship circle
3. describe how helpful using a person-centred thinking tool was to identify actions in relation to own life
4. describe how to prepare for own person-centred review.
Outcome 5 Implement person-centred thinking and person-centred reviews
1. use person-centred thinking to know and act on what is important to the individual
2. establish with the individual how they want to be supported
3. use person-centred thinking to know and respond to how the individual communicates
4. be responsive to how an individual makes decisions to support them to have maximum choice and control in their life
5. support the individual in their relationships and in being part of their community using person-centred thinking
6. ensure that the individual is central to the person-centred review process
7. explain how to ensure that actions from a review happen.