LA4505 Advanced Legal Systems, University of Central

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Question: Assessment aims to evaluate your understanding and application of the substantive doctrine, values, and policies of domestic, regional, and international law and legal systems, including the impact of International Treaties. You are expected to demonstrate your proficiency in constructing logical, well-organised arguments that are easy to follow. Additionally, you will be evaluated on your capacity to integrate different viewpoints, present original insights on topics covered, and support your analysis with primary and secondary sources.

This Assessment Pack consists of a detailed assignment brief, guidance on what you need to prepare, and information on how class sessions support your ability to complete successfully.

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Answer the Following Question

‘The European Union is the most successful regional trade bloc in the world, but its greatest success, its Single Market, could not have been achieved without the willingness of its member states to share their powers on key issues'.

Using the European Union as the basis for comparative analysis, select another regional trade bloc, and critically evaluate the level of integration it has achieved. You should also highlight any barriers to securing the level of integration required to create a single market like the European Union's.

For referencing you must adhere to and apply the OSCOLA referencing conventions.

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