L/601/8725-Support individuals undergoing healthcare

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Support individuals undergoing healthcare activities

Unit aim

This unit is aimed at those working in a wide range of settings involved in supporting individuals during and after a healthcare activity.

Outcome 1 Understand healthcare activities in order to support individuals

1. describe relevant anatomy and physiology in relation to the healthcare activity

2. explain the purposes and use of medical equipment and devices required for the procedure

3. explain the roles and responsibilities of team members

4. state protection/precautionary measures

• appropriate to the procedure being carried out

• how they should be applied

• the implications and consequences of not applying these measures

5. explain how to manage the privacy and dignity of an individual in both conscious and unconscious states

6. explain how to complete records of the actions taken and the individual's condition during the healthcare activity.

Outcome 2 Prepare individuals to undergo healthcare activities

1. confirm the individual’s identity and gain valid consent

2. describe any concerns and worries that an individual may have in relation to healthcare activities

3. describe ways of responding to these concerns

4. explain the procedure to the individual

5. agree the support needed with the individual in a way that is sensitive to their personal beliefs and preferences

6. refer any concerns or questions to others if unable to answer

7. support an individual to prepare and position for the procedure ensuring that privacy and dignity is maintained at all times.

Outcome 3 Support individuals undergoing healthcare activities

1. inform and reassure individuals

2. apply standard precautions for infection prevention and control

3. apply health and safety measures relevant to the healthcare activity and environment

4. recognise any ill effects or adverse reactions

5. take actions in response to any ill effects or adverse reactions

6. ensure that an individual’s privacy and dignity is maintained at all times.

Outcome 4 Support individuals following the healthcare activities

1. provide the individual with the facilities and support for the period of recovery

2. monitor an individual and recognise signs of ill effects or adverse reactions

3. take action in response to any ill effects or adverse reactions

4. give individuals and relevant others instructions and advice where this is within own role

5. confirm any requirements for transport and escorts

6. maintain confidentiality of information in accordance with guidelines and procedure.

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