KD6029 Wireless and RF System Design Assignment Help and

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KD6029 Wireless and RF System Design, Northumbria University, UK

Assignment - Design of Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna

For Part A, Part B and Part C defined below, produce a report describing your design methodology, network schematics, layouts and graphical results. For each step in the design process show schematics, graphs and layouts as appropriate and explain each step. Comments on your opinion of the performance results obtained must be included, together with a comparison of the results obtained in each section.

You are required to design, simulate and test a rectangular patch antenna. The task involves three stages.

The first stage is to determine the dimensions of the antenna using the formula given. The second stage is to simulate this antenna on CST software. You may find the return loss is too high, so you will need to include a matching circuit (you will each be given a different matching technique).The third stage is to produce a prototype of the antenna and test it practically for return loss.

Each student will be given a different design frequency, patch shape and impedance matching technique.

Part A: Design of a rectangular patch

For the given centre frequency, determine the dimension for a patch antenna. The antenna should be design on FR4-PCB, with thickness of 1.57mm. You need to download the data sheet to find out the permittivity.

Part B: Simulated results using Computer Simulation Technology (CST)

(i) Simulate your design using CST software and measure the following responses.

(a) Return Loss versus frequency

(b) Real input Impedance versus frequency

(c) Imaginary input impedance versus frequency

(ii) You may find that your simulated resonant frequency is different from your predicted results. In this case you will have to tune the size of the antenna. You will also find that your return loss is too high; in this case you will need to include a matching circuit.

Simulate your new design and measure the following responses:

(a) Return loss versus frequency

(b) Real input impedance verses frequency

(c) Imaginary input impedance verses frequency

(d) Antenna far-field response including antenna gain

Comment on reasons for any differences between calculated and simulated results.

Part C: Practical Results of Return Loss

Build your antenna, measure and test it using the Vector Network Analyser to obtain the return Loss versus frequency.

Comment on reasons for any difference between simulated and measured results.

A single report is required to cover Part A, B, and C

This report should include the following sections

1) Title

2) Author

3) Abstract

4) Introduction

5) Part A: Determination of Antenna Dimensions

6) Part B: Simulation using CST

7) Part C: Practical Results of Return Loss

8) Conclusion

9) References and Bibliography

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