Support Disabled Children and Children With Specific Requirements
Unit aim
The aim of this unit is to assess competence in supporting disabled children and children with specific needs in partnership with their parents and/or carers. It includes partnership working with other agencies.
Learning outcomes
1 Understand the principles of working inclusively with disabled children and children with specific requirements
1.1 Explain disabled children’s legal entitlements for equality of treatment
1.2 Explain the principles of working inclusively with children
1.3 Compare service-led and child-led models of provision for disabled children
1.4 Critically compare:
The social model of disability
The medical model of disability
How each model affects provision
1.5 Explain the importance of advocacy and facilitated advocacy for children who require it
1.6 Explain the importance of the personal assistant role for disabled children
1.7 Explain the importance of encouraging the participation of disabled children
1.8 Describe the impact of disability within different cultures and the importance of culturally sensitive practice
1.9 Explain the importance of systems of monitoring, reviewing and evaluating services for disabled children
2 Be able to work in partnership with parents and/or carers with disabled children and children with specific requirements
2.1 Explain the principles of partnerships with parents and/or carers of disabled children and those with specific requirements
2.2 Identify the types of support and information parents and/or carers of disabled children or those with specific requirements may require
2.3 Plan strategies for partnership working with parents and/or carers of disabled children or those with specific requirements
3 Be able to support age and developmentally appropriate learning, play and leisure opportunities for disabled children and children with specific requirements
3.1 Plan strategies for engaging with disabled children and those with specific requirements
3.2 Work in partnership with children and their parents and/or carers to assess a child’s:
Learning needs
Play needs
Leisure needs
3.3 Identify solutions to any barriers to learning, play or leisure according to the principles of inclusion
3.4 Develop a plan with an individual child to support their:
Learning needs
Play needs
Leisure needs
3.5 Implement a learning, play or leisure plan according to own role and responsibilities that takes into account the child’s:
Developmental stage
Individual needs
3.6 Evaluate the effectiveness of a given learning, play or leisure plan
3.7 Develop a plan for improving own practice in supporting disabled children and those with specific requirements
4 Be able to evaluate, support and develop existing practice with disabled children and children with specific requirements
4.1 Explain how potential barriers which restrict children’s access to learning, play and leisure are overcome in own setting
4.2 Evaluate the effectiveness of measures to overcome barriers to inclusion in own setting
4.3 Plan strategies for improving own practice in overcoming barriers to inclusion
4.4 Identify how to apply policies and procedures to challenge discriminatory, abusive or oppressive behaviour
5 Understand how to work in partnership with other agencies to support provision for disabled children and children with specific requirements
5.1 Explain the roles and responsibilities of other agencies who are involved with disabled children and those with specific requirements
5.2 Evaluate the effectiveness of own practice in multi-agency and partnership working