Support individuals with self-directed support
Unit aim
This unit is aimed at those working in a wide range of settings. It provides the knowledge and skills required to support an individual to direct their own support. A person-centred approach is the foundation to achieving this unit.
Outcome 1 Understand self-directed support
1. explain the principles underpinning self-directed support and how this differs from traditional support
2. explain the benefits of an individual having self-directed support
3. explain how legislation, policy or guidance underpin self-directed support
4. explain what the following terms mean:
• indicative allocation
• supported self assessment
• support plan
• outcome focused review
5. outline the possible barriers to self-directed support.
Outcome 2 Understand how to support individuals to direct their own support and develop their support plan
1. explain how to use person-centred thinking to enable individuals to think about what is important to them, and how they want to be supported
2. explain how individuals can direct their own support if they do not have a personal budget
3. explain how person-centred planning can be used to inform a support plan
4. explain the roles of others who can assist individuals in developing their support plan
5. describe different ways that individuals can develop a support plan
6. describe a range of person-centred thinking tools that can be used to help individuals think about different ways they can spend their personal budget
7. describe what might be included in the costings for a support plan.
Outcome 3 Understand the different ways that individuals can use their personal budget
1. explain the different ways that individuals can use their personal budget to buy support
2. research innovative ways that individuals can spend their personal budget other than buying social care services
3. explain what restrictions may be imposed on personal budgets
4. describe the criteria that are used to sign off a support plan
5. describe a person-centred approach to risk that ensures that individuals have what is important to them whilst staying healthy and safe.
Outcome 4 Support individuals to direct their support
1. support an individual to express what is important to them in how they want to be supported in the future
2. use person-centred thinking tools to support an individual to have maximum choice and control in their life
3. use person-centred thinking tools to support an individual to develop their support plan
4. support an individual to identify any others who could work with them to develop their support plan.
Outcome 5 Support individuals to use their personal budget in different ways
1. support an individual to understand the different ways they could develop their support plan
2. support an individual to understand what restrictions may be imposed on their personal budget
3. support an individual to think about different options for spending their personal budget
4. demonstrate a person-centred approach to balancing risk with individuals when making decisions about their personal budget.
Outcome 6 Support individuals with an outcome-focused review
1. explain the process of an outcome-focused review
2. support an individual to prepare for an outcome-focused review
3. support an individual to be at the centre of the review process.