J/602/0036-LD 208C Contribute to supporting individuals

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Contribute to supporting individuals with a learning disability to access healthcare

Unit aim

This unit is aimed at those working in a wide range of settings. It provides the learner with the knowledge and skills required to contribute to supporting an individual to access and use healthcare services.

Outcome 1 Understand legislation, policies and guidance relevant to individuals with a learning disability accessing healthcare

1. outline what is meant by a rights based approach to accessing healthcare

2. identify legislation which supports a rights based approach to accessing healthcare

3. describe ways that healthcare services should make ‘reasonable adjustments’ to ensure that they provide equal access to individuals with a learning disability

4. explain why it is important to ensure an individual is able to give informed consent to their treatment in line with legislation, policies or guidance

5. describe the actions to take if an individual cannot give informed consent to the treatment.

Outcome 2 Understand the function of different healthcare services that an individual with a learning disability may need to access

1. list a range of healthcare services that an individual with a learning disability may need to access

2. describe the work of each type of healthcare service

3. outline the roles and responsibilities of professionals working in different types of healthcare services that an individual may need to access.

Outcome 3 Understand how plans for healthcare and regular health checks underpin long-term health and wellbeing for individuals with a learning disability

1. explain how plans for healthcare can be of benefit to an individual with a learning disability

2. identify a range of regular health checks that an individual may have to support good health and well being

3. outline how missing regular health checks can impact on the individual’s health and wellbeing.

Outcome 4 Contribute to plans for healthcare with individuals with a learning disability

1. work with an individual and others to identify healthcare services the individual may require

2. agree with the individual and others the type and level of support the individual may require to access healthcare services

3. demonstrate how the individual’s needs, wishes and preferences are reflected in the healthcare plan

4. contribute to the review of plans for healthcare with the individual and others.

Outcome 5 Support individuals to overcome barriers to accessing healthcare services

1. identify barriers to accessing healthcare services that an individual with a learning disability may experience

2. identify reasons why an individual may be reluctant to access healthcare services

3. demonstrate ways to overcome barriers to accessing healthcare services

4. support the individual to access information about healthcare services in their preferred format.

Outcome 6 Support individuals with a learning disability to use healthcare services

1. provide agreed support to enable the individual to use healthcare services

2. support the individual to understand the reasons why they are being offered treatment

3. support the individual to understand the short and long term effects of treatment

4. ensure the individual is able to give informed consent to their treatment in line with current legislation

5. record details of a healthcare visit in a format that the individual can understand

6. ensure that information is shared in line with agreed ways of working.

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