Provide Support for Individuals Within a Shared Lives Arrangement
Learning outcomes
1 Understand how to establish the needs, background, experiences, wishes, preferences and choices of an individual
1.1 Explain the importance of ‘getting to know’ the individual
1.2 Identify sources of information that can inform the process
1.3 Explain the importance of supporting an individual to communicate their own background, experiences, wishes and preferences
2 Be able to identify how an individual’s needs can be met through a sharedlives arrangement
2.1 Work with the individual and others to assess how identified requirements can be met within the shared lives arrangement
2.2 Work with the individual and others to identify factors that may affect the individual’s integration into the home environment
3 Know how to address potential power imbalances in a shared-lives arrangement
3.1 Explain how sharing own home may create a sense of power imbalance between an individual, self and key people
3.2 Identify ways that potential power imbalances may be addressed to promote full membership of the household
3.3 Identify strategies that could be used to address conflicts and disagreements
4 Be able to assist individuals to adjust to the home environment
4.1 Provide a welcoming and supportive environment for an individual with the help of key people
4.2 Provide opportunities for the individual to meet and get to know key people
4.3 Support the individual to settle into the home environment
4.4 Support the individual to communicate their thoughts and feelings about sharing the home environment
4.5 Describe actions to take if an individual is distressed
4.6 Provide opportunities for the individual’s continued personal and social development
5 Be able to support key people to adjust to a sharedlives arrangement
5.1 Establish with key people any adjustments that might need to be made to support an individual within the home
5.2 Establish strategies to deal with any conflict and disagreements that may arise
5.3 Work with the individual and key people to agree ‘house rules’ in order to minimise potential difficulties
5.4 Describe ways to balance the needs of key people and the individual
5.5 Support key people to participate in the shared-lives arrangement
6 Be able to contribute to ongoing review of the shared lives arrangement
6.1 Provide regular feedback on the shared-lives arrangement in line with agreed ways of working
6.2 Work with the individual, key people and those organising the shared lives arrangement to review its effectiveness