Industrial chemistry and Environmental pollution
14.0 Investigates the selected chemical industries to understand the applications of principles and identify industrial pollutants.
14.1 Investigates the production and uses of elements and compounds of s block
Lists out basic factors to be considered for designing a chemical industry.
Describes factors to be considered to select natural raw materials for an industry.
Describes the production of Mg, NaOH (membrane cell method), soap and Na2 CO3 (Solvay process), their uses and the physico-chemical principles involved.
Prepares a soap sample in the laboratory and describes how to improve the quality of the product.
14.2 Investigates the production and uses of the compounds and elements of p block elements
Describes the method of production and the physicochemical principles involved in the production of ammonia, nitric acid, sulphuric acid and identifies their uses.
14.3 Investigates production and uses of d-blockelements and their compounds.
Describes the production and identifies the physicochemical principles used in the production of titanium dioxide.
Describes the production and physico-chemical principles used in extraction of iron by blast furnance method.
Describes the uses of TiO2
14.4 Investigates the chemistry of polymeric substances
Introduces polymers, monomers and repeating unit.
Classifies polymers as natural and synthetic with examples.
Classifies polymers according to the type of the polymerization reaction.
Identifies the structures (monomer, polymer and repeating unit), properties and uses for given polymers.
Describes the types of plastic additives and their effects on the environment.
Describes structure, properties and uses of natural rubber.
Describes vulcanization of rubber.
Explains the process of coagulation of rubber and how it can be prevented.
14.5 Investigates some chemical industries based on plantmaterials.
Describes plants as a renewable raw material.
Describes the production of ethanol and vinegar.
Describes the production of biodiesel.
Describes essential oils as complex mixtures of volatile constituents of plants.
Explains the principles of steam distillation used to extract essential oils.
Recognizes the uses of ethanol, vinegar, essential oilssand bio diesel.
Extracts cinnamon oil from cinnamon leaves in the laboratory.
Prepares a sample of biodiesel in the laboratory by using vegetable oils.
14.6 Common industrial pollutants
Explains what a pollutant is.
Identifies air and water quality parameters and name the.
Describes air quality parameters (level of COx , NOx , SOx , Cx Hy ).
Identifies water quality parameters (physical and chemical), pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, COD, conductivity, turbidity, hardness.
Identifies soil pollution caused by solid waste and agrochemicals.
14.7 Chemistry of the air pollution by industrial emissions.
Explains the chemistry of acid rains and their effect on the environment.
Explains the chemistry of photo chemical smog and their effect on the environment.
Explains the ozone layer depletion and their effect on the environment.
Explains the chemistry of greenhouse effect, global warming and their effect on the environment.
Describes precautionary measures that can minimize air pollution.
14.8 Chemistry of water pollution by industrial discharges
Explains eutrophication and its consequences.
Names dissolves organic pollutants in industrial discharges.
Describes the consequences of dissolved organic pollutants.
Explains the common heavy metal causing water pollution and their effect on the environment.
Explains how to identify water pollution using the given parameters.
Describes the precautional measures that can be taken to minimize pollution by industrial discharge.
Determines experimentally the dissolved oxygen level in (fresh) water.