The outbreak of coronavirus named COVID-19 was declared a pandemic on 11 March 2020 by the World Health Organization. COVID-19 has disrupted the global economy and supply chains as countries implement strict border controls, massive city-wide lockdowns and quarantines in order to contain the virus.
The evolution of the disease and its economic impact is highly uncertain which makes it difficult for policymakers to formulate an appropriate macroeconomic policy response. Many Public Health experts recommended massive testing of the population. One of the theories of economists as to why governments have been lagging in COVID-19 testing is that the government thinks it'll cause mass hysteria and further collapse of the economy if they do extensive testing which would reveal the true infected numbers.
Write a critical reflection focused on this topic.
Hints and tips: Choose one of the concepts discussed in this module(poor vs good investment decisions under certain economic condition. The broad perspective of pessimism under recession like condition: Use the attached Journal article on - Asymmetric Learning from Financial Information by CAMELIA M. KUHNEN) to create an argument based on that concept.
Conduct additional research using scholarly-peer reviewed articles. If you cannot access an article online and would like assistance in retrieving it, contact your instructor.
The assignment will meet the APA 6th edition format criteria, and follow the structure:
• Title page
• Body (use a heading for each thought idea and communication)
• References
You should be able to provide roughly 1000 words. You are welcome to write less if you feel you can fulfil the assignment requirements or more if you are inspired.