illustrate what alternative kinds of promotions are most

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Q. 1. Explain how would you describe appropriate target market(s) for Banyan Tree? Explain how wide is its geographical reach-local, regional, global?

2. In se markets, who are main competitors? Illustrate what are competitive advantages of Banyan Tree (country-or firm-specific advantages)? Disadvantages?

3. Explain how important is brand name to target consumers? Explain how important is it for brand to be considered local versus global?

4. Illustrate what alternative kinds of promotions are most likely to build brand equity further? Explain how can product/service extensions do same? Illustrate what are pros also cons of each? Explain how would you evaluate choice to launch a second brand-a good idea or not?

5. Explain how would you evaluate probability of success in building brand equity of Banyan Tree further? Any threats which could derail effort? Illustrate what would your recommendation be for next few steps in brand building effort?


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