Identifying, Allocating and Planning the Deployment and Use

Post New Homework

Identifying, Allocating and Planning the Deployment and Use of Plant, Equipment or Machinery in the Workplace

1. Ensure that the specification of the selected plant, equipment or machinery meets the needs of the project before deployment.

1.2 Describe ways of ensuring that the specifications for plant, equipment or machinery meet the needs of the project or operation before deployment.

1.3 Explain why it is important that the plant specification meets the needs of the project or operation.

2. Ensure that the plant, equipment or machinery to be deployed complies with current legislation and will be set up, operated and maintained by competent people.

2.2 Explain how to ensure that plant, equipment or machinery complies with current legislation and why.

2.3 Carry out checks on the competence of people who will set up, operate and maintain plant, equipment or machinery.

2.4 Explain the methods of checking competence of those setting up, operating and maintaining plant, equipment or machinery.

2.5 Give reasons as to why competences of those setting up, operating and maintaining plant, equipment or machinery should be checked.

3. Implement a system to update the deployment and allocation of plant, equipment or machinery, and operators, as the project progresses or changes occur.

3.2 Explain the various methods of implementing an effective system that can update the deployment and allocation of plant, equipment or machinery as projects or operations progresses or changes occur.

3.3 Explain why a system for updating the deployment and allocation of plant, equipment or machinery is needed.

3.4 Make recommendations on the use of alternative types of plant, equipment or machinery to decision makers.

3.5 Describe ways of recommending alternatives to decision makers

4. Identify hazards and assess risks arising from the use of plant, equipment or machinery and implement measures that protect people and the environment.

4.1 Evaluate risks arising from hazards and apply measures in order to protect the workforce, general public, visitors and the environment relating to three of the following: – methods of work – risk assessment – safe use and storage of tools – safe use and storage of materials – traffic management – emergency plans.

4.2 Explain the various methods of identifying hazards and assessing risks arising from the use of plant, equipment or machinery.

4.3 Describe ways to implement measures to protect people and the environment.

5. Ensure that plant, equipment or machinery operations are planned, appropriately and supervised and conducted in accordance with current legislation.

5.2 Describe various methods of writing or approving method statements for the use of plant, equipment or machinery.

5.3 Explain the techniques that can be used to pass on information effectively.

5.4 Explain how to ensure that plant, equipment or machinery operations are supervised and conducted in accordance with current legislation.

5.6 Explain how to maintain effective records for the competence of supervisors, operators and users.

6. Ensure the appropriate storage, servicing and maintenance of plant, equipment or machinery to meet operational and statutory requirements.

6.3 Explains ways of ensuring, and why is important that, plant, equipment or machinery is stored, serviced and maintained in accordance with operational and statutory requirements.

7. Identify learning needs for supervisors, operators and users of plant, equipment or machinery that will or could support the project or future projects or operations.

7.2 Explain the various methods of identifying learning needs of plant supervisors, operators and users and how to compare with the needs of future projects or operations.

7.3 Describe ways of obtaining information on ranges of learning activities.

7.4 Explain how the learning development for plant supervisors, operators and users can be arranged.

8. Encourage those involved or affected by plant, equipment or machinery operations to suggest improvements in safe operations.

8.2 Explain how to encourage those involved or affected by plant, equipment or machinery operations to suggest safe improvements.

8.3 Explain why encouragement is needed in suggesting improvements to plant, equipment or machinery operations.

9. Ensure that plant, equipment or machinery which is no longer needed is returned or removed.

9.2 Describe the various methods of ensuring that plant, equipment or machinery not needed is returned or removed.

9.3 Give reasons why plant, equipment or machinery should be returned or removed when not required.

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