Identify potential privacy and security threats businesse

Post New Homework

Learning outcome 1: Understand the key terms and considerations associated with using the internet.

Learning outcome 2: Take responsibility for personal security and privacy when using the internet.

Learning outcome 3: Develop online research skills.

Learning outcome 4: Develop digital communication skills.

Assessment briefis:

Information and Communication Technology (IT) has become significantly important for digital businesses and has become even more imperative during the current pandemic. This is evident through the widespread use of cell phones, smart phones, emails, web conferencing, Internet, and Cloud etc. However, it is not all the good news. There are challenges as well.

You are required to write a report on the following FOUR topics:

Cloud computing, cloud storage and ecommerce are becoming the new normal even in industries that, before the pandemic, seemed decades away from digitalisation. Discuss advantages, disadvantages, suitability, and applications of cloud storage and computing in improving digitalisation.

Collaboration in workplace has significantly gained importance in recent times, especially during pandemic and is being continued even during post pandemic. Identify any TWO collaboration tools and discuss how they have helped businesses to survive the pandemic reducing the physical contact among the participants.Ticketmaster owner Live Nation confirmed "unauthorised activity" on its database after a group of hackers said they had stolen the personal details of 560 million customers. Shiny Hunters, the group claiming responsibility, says the stolen data includes names, addresses, phone numbers and partial credit card details from Ticketmaster users worldwide. The hacking group is reportedly demanding a $500,000(E400,000) ransom payment to prevent the data from being sold to other parties. Identify privacy and security challenges and discuss what possible measures could be taken?Tether, the multibillion dollar "stablecoin" that functions as the largest bank in the cryptocurrency economy, has paid out $10bn (f8bn) in withdrawals since the crypto crash started in early May. (The Guardian, 2022). Is the clyptocurrency bubble bursting? Justify your answer.

Further points:

It is expected that you use current peer-reviewed jounials and articles to ensure that you have an in-depth understanding of your topic particularly for the Literature Review.

There must be sufficient linkage between theory and practice.

Harvard style of references should be used.

Please note the following when completing your written project:
1 Writing: Written in English in an appropriate business/academic style
2 Focus: Focus only on the tasks set in the assignment.
3 Length: 2000 to 3000 words [with +/- of 10%]

Cover page (Not included in the word count - separate page)
Title of the report
Name of the course
Name of the University
Submission date
Student ID
Word Count
Abstract (Not included in the word count - separate page) (Approx. 300 words)
Provides a quick overview
A brief summary of the contents of the report
Table of contents (Not included in the word count -separate page)
Shows the section headings, subheadings, and page
1.0 Introduction (Approx. 300 words)
Discuss about the topic. What is ICT? What is the role of ICT in business? How has ICT helped businesses during pandemic? (Provide References)
What is the main purpose of this report? What are the different areas and topics that will be discussed? 2.0 Literature Review (Approx. 1500 words)

2.1 Cloud Storage
What is it?
Where is it used?
advantages, disadvantages, suitability and applications of
cloud storage
2.2 Cloud Computing
What is it?
Where is it used?
advantages, disadvantages, suitability and applications of
cloud computing
2.3 Collaboration tools
What are collaboration tools? Give some examples of
collaboration tools.

cloud computing
2.3 Collaboration tools
What are collaboration tools? Give some examples of
collaboration tools.
Discuss their importance.
What are advantages and disadvantages of collaboration
tools in general?
2.4 Privacy and Security
What is privacy and security?
What is the importance of privacy and security for businesses?
3.0 Analysis and Discussion (Approx. 1000 words) 3.1 Collaboration tools
Choose any TWO collaboration tools and discuss about
them in detail.
How did they help businesses during pandemic? Give examples
3.2 Privacy and Security post pandemic
What are some of the challenges related to privacy and
security for businesses? Give examples.
Identify potential privacy and security threats businesses might had to face during pandemic.
What are the measures businesses can take to prevent or protect themselves from these threats?
3.3 Crypto currency - importance, advantages and disadvantages
Identify and discuss the impact of crypto currency.
4.0 Recommendation
Choose a company of your choice and provide at least one recommendation on appropriate collaboration tool that can be used by the company for their advantage. Also suggest what privacy and security measures should be adapted by the company for secure online trading. Do you recommend any crypto currency for any business of any country? Justify your recommendations.
5.0 Conclusion (Approx. 200 words)
Summarise the main points of your report. No new information or references should be added in this section. 6.0 References (Not included in the word count or the similarity count - separate page)
At least eight (8) references - Use Harvard referencing (List references in alphabetical order according to the surname)

Report structure:
Use headings and subheadings.
Write in paragraphs and bullet points.

Identify potential privacy and security threats businesse might had to face during pandemic.
What are the measures businesses can take to prevent or protect themselves from these threats?
3.3 Crypto currency - importance, advantages and
Identify and discuss the impact of crypto currency.
4.0 Recommendation
Choose a company of your choice and provide at least o recommendation on appropriate collaboration tool that can used by the company for their advantage. Also suggest wi privacy and security measures should be adapted by t company for secure online trading. Do you recommend a: crypt° currency for any business of any country? Justify ye recommendations.
5.0 Conclusion (Approx. 200 words)
Summarise the main points of your report. No new information or references should be added in this section. 6.0 References (Not included in the word count or the similarity count - separate page)
At least eight (8) references - Use Harvard referencing (List references in alphabetical order according to the surname)

Report structure:

Use headings and subheadings.
Write in paragraphs and bullet points.
Include at least ten in-text citations throughout the bad
of the report (Rashford, 2020). You can use the same reference more than once.

Post New Homework

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