ICE-4601: Data, Ethics, and Security Assignment, Bangor University, UK
Project Data Management Plan -
Description - In order to complete your Individual Project, you will need to either collect or create a data-set. Your task is to create an Engineering and Physical Science Research Council (EPSRC) compliant Data Management Plan. As your project's will be individual, this submission is expected to be similarly individual.
Overview - You must create a Data Management Plan that is compatible with the requirements of the EPSRC Research Funding Council. You may use a template or online references to help you, in addition to the lecture materials. The Data Management Plan should be covering the Project you would like to complete as your MSc Individual Project. If you do not have any idea what you would like to pursue for your Individual Project, you may use the Gwynedd Council recycling project instead.
Task 1 - Understand the Requirements for an EPSRC Data Management Plan
Before starting to craft your plan, you should look through the guidance notes from both Bangor University and the EPSRC. (Links have been provided in the Guidance section in this document.) There is a set structure that must be followed. There are links to two templates, either one of which could be used without issue.
Task 2 - Define Your Project
As a preface to your plan, you will need to detail what your project is. It is highly recommended that you select the topic/questions that you would like to complete for your Individual Project. This way you will have an advantage of having already considered the data implications before you start. If you have no idea what you would like to complete a project on, you may use the scenario provided in the Scenario section.
This preface will need to be included in your submission as an introduction before your plan.
Task 3 - Write-up
You will need to complete the write up in formal, scientific style conforming to the EPSRC policy on Data Management Plans. The formal style will require writing in short, accurate statements and avoiding jargon wherever possible. The nominal word count for this plan is 3000 words, which is 6 sides of A4 at reasonable font size (minimum 10 point) and sensible margins. Assessors will not be counting every individual work, however submissions that are drastically over or under the word count will attract a mark penalty.
Scenario - You have been approached by Gwynedd Council about designing a data system to support a new analytics platform. This platform will help support the council's recycling and waste collection services. The stated aim of this project is to streamline collection patterns and make the council's service more efficient.