HURM09002 Managing Performance & Reward discuss the role

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HURM09002 - Managing Performance & Reward

Assessment: Group Presentation


Question 1: Critically evaluate the purpose and importance of performance appraisals as part of successful performance management;

Question 2: Critically discuss the role and responsibilities of line-management in the conduct of meaningful performance appraisals - also think about how to get their buy-in;

Question 3: Select a performance appraisal procedure from any organisation and discuss its approach, utilising substantial theoretical underpinning.

You are required to provide notes in addition to your slides, using the presenter's notes sections in Powerpoint;The presentation should include 3 points as you can see in the brief document page 1.

As organisation can be a public sector example NHS or any other organisation.

The whole presentation should not exceed 20 min this will be divided as:

Key words: strategic alignment and psychologist engagement, performance measurement, performance management and appraisal, the concept of base pay, employee benefits, recognising and rewarding individual performance.

The presentation should have 8-10 slides including the first one including the names and last one with references.

This presentation will be presented by 4 of us and its important the information to be clear and easy to memorise so beside the presentation that includes some notes can you please make us a separate document with each one notes or paragraphs of what we need to say in the presentation. That will be 5 minutes each.

Attachment:- presentation.rar

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