Human Inheritance for Health and Social Care- BN018467 –

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Human Inheritance for Health and Social Care

Learning outcomes

On completion of this unit a learner should:

1 Understand human reproduction

2 Understand patterns of inheritance

3 Understand reproductive and gene technologies

4 Understand ethical dilemmas in relation to reproductive and gene technologies.

P1 explain the process of meiosis in relation to the production of sperm and ova

P2 describe factors that may influence the reproductive process in humans

P3 describe the structure of chromosomes and their role in reproduction

P4 explain the key principles of genetics using examples relating to inheritance in humans

P5 describe the principles of reproductive and gene technologies and their implications for individuals, society and the environment

P6 describe ethical dilemmas that may arise  from reproductive and gene technologies.

M1 explain the behaviour of DNA in reproduction and inheritance

M2 analyse the impact on individuals, others  and society of genotypes resulting in developmental delay or impairment of normal body functioning

M3 explain the advantages and disadvantages of gene and reproductive technologies with regard to health and wellbeing.

D1 evaluate support available for individuals  and others when coping with difficulties associated with reproduction and inheritance

D2 analyse ethical dilemmas arising from reproductive and gene technologies.

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