Topic: Specification, implementation and validation of a realistic communication protocol
1. This project is to identify the parts of IRC( Internet Relay Chat) protocol Interesting to give high assurance specification
2. Communication protocol should be communicates to exchange the messages
3. SPARK is method that we have to use
4. SPARK should Implement Communication protocol (IRC)
5. Implementation verify able to produce source of specification string come in
6. To find what parts of protocol has been valid in documents to possible and interesting to give interesting property that implementing SPARK
7. Implementation should verify from IRC protocol Focus on:
1. High assurance/verified implementations of communication protocols
2. Can include Ada /SPARK and other approaches to verified/ high assurance implementations
3. Good to include sets of other high assurance project using SPARK,possibly for slightly different applications (cryptography,libraries etc)
Think about:
Question 1. How will you know that your project was successful * what's the goal? * how do you evaluate it? Note that it is updated by a series of RFC''s that focus on separate areas (Architecture, Channel Management, Server- and Client-side protocols):
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