how far apart would the two sphere uranium-238 u238 has

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Q. Coulomb measured the deflection of sphere A when spheres A and B had equal charges and were a distance d apart. He then made the charge on B one-fourth the charge on A. How far apart would the two spheres then have had to be for A to have had the same deflection that it had before?

Q. Uranium-238 (U238) has three more neutrons than uranium-235 (U235). Compared to the speed of sound in a bar of U235, is the speed of sound in a bar of U238 higher, lower, or the same? There are several factors that play a role.

Chemically, the atoms of these two isotopes behave in essentially identical ways, since the number of protons (92) is identical and the clouds of 92 electrons are nearly identical. The interatomic distance, and the effective "stiffness" of the interatomic bond, both depend on the chemical properties of the atoms. Therefore, which of the following statements are true?

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