HND Office Technology and Management- OTM 322-Professional

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Professional Career Development

Course main Aim/Goal: This course is designed t further expose students to knowledge and skills necessary for professionalism and upward mobility in their careers.

General Objectives:

1.0 Understand competencies for job success and mobility.

2.0 Understand job responsibilities of office workers.

3.0 Understand the importance of further education and training.

4.0 Know the role of interpersonal relations in an organisation.

5.0 Know the importance of time management.

6.0 Know how to go about job search.

1.1 Note the contribution of language skills to job success and mobility. Explain the contribution of communication skills to job success and mobility.

1.2 Note the importance of computation skills to job success and mobility. Explain the importance of computation skills in job success and mobility.

1.3 Recognize the contributions of productivity efficiency and attention to detail to success and mobility at work. Explain the contribution of productivity, efficiency, and attention to detail to job success and mobility.

1.4 Note the need for interpersonal skills at work. Explain the need for interpersonal skills at work situations.

2.1 Understand what job analysis is. Explain the term job analysis.

2.2 List job titles in the office. Explain the concept of job title.

2.3 Understand what job description is. Explain the term job description.

2.4 Note the need for job specification. Explain the term job specification.

3.1 Appreciate the need for further education and training. Explain the need for continuing education to meet with technological changes and professionalism.

3.2 Recognize other avenue for training.Explore opportunities for training outside educational institutions.

4.1 Define Communication. Explain communication and its role in interpersonal relation.

4.2 Appreciate the institutions of oral skills body language and appearance to interpersonal relations.

Explain the role of oral skills, body language and appearance in interpersonal relations.

5.1 Appreciate need for planning and scheduling. Explain need for planning and scheduling

5.2 Appreciate need for analyzing work day. Explain the need for analyzing work day.

5.3 Note how to compile “To do” list. Explain how to use “To do” list.

5.4 Understand the need to control interruption.Explain the need to control interruptions.

6.1 Understand the importance of occupational outlook and opportunities in other countries in job search.

Explain the place of occupational outlook and opportunities in other countries in job search.

6.2 Appreciate the need for self evaluation and counseling. Explain the importance of self evaluation and location counselors in job search.

6.3 Appreciate why people change jobs and how to go about it. Explain the process of job change and the need for it. 

6.4 Understand need for curriculum vitae. Explain how to compile a curriculum vitae.

6.5 List sources of information on jobs. Explore sources of information on job.

6.6 Understand issues converted with interviews. Explain issues on interview viz image, research, salary, questions and follow-up.

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