Human Resource Management for Service Industry
The aim of Human resource management is all about the process of managing the human resources of an organisation in such a way, that the optimum or rather the maximum utilisation of this can be ensured.
LO1 Human resource management
1.1 Analyse the role and purpose of human resource management in a selected service industry
1.2 Justify a humanresources plan based on an analysis of supply and demand for a selected service industrywithreference to the Duke Hotel.
LO2 The effect of employee relations and employmentlaw on service industries businesses
2.1.Assess the current state of employment relations in a selected service industry
2.2 Discuss how employmentlaw affects the managementof humanresources in a selected service industrybusiness
LO3 Therecruitment and selection process
3.1 Discuss a job description and personspecification for aselected service industry job
3.2 Compare the selection process of different service industries businesses