Unit 01: Atomic Structure
1.0 Uses electronic arrangements and energy transactions in determining the nature of matter
1.1 Reviews the models of atomic structure.
Compares the properties of cathode rays and positive rays in brief.
Describes the atom and subatomic particles using previous knowledge.
Describes the Thomson’s and Rutherford’s models (gold leaf experiment).
Reviews the atomic number and mass number.
Explains isotopes using examples
Classifies the nuclides according to their nature.
Appreciates the attempts made by scientists in understanding nature.
1.2 Investigates the different types of electromagnetic radiation.
Describes wave-particle duality of the matter with de Broglie equation.
λ = h/mv
Names physical quantities that describe the properties of waves and expresses relationships among them.
Describes what is electro magnetic radiation.
Works out simple problems
using c = ν λ and E = h ν ;
λ = h/mv, E= mc2
Explains quantization of energy.
Identifies the different ranges in the electromagnetic spectrum and provides examples for the uses of radiations belonging to those ranges.
1.3 States the evidence for electronic energy levels of atoms.
Describes the Bohr model.
Presents evidences for the presence of electrons of atoms in main energy levels and sub energy levels using graphs of successive ionization energies.
Explains qualitatively the series of lines in the atomic spectrum of hydrogen using the Bohr model.
Reviews the models of atomic structure comparatively
Explains the existence of electrons in energy levels using quantum numbers.
States that the identity of an electron in a certain atom is described by the relevant set of quantum numbers.
States the information given by four quantum numbers.
Illustrates the shapes of s and p orbitals.
1.4 States the ground state electronic configuration of isolated (gaseous) atoms and ions.
States the principles and rules relevant to the filling up of electrons.
Writes the electronic configuration of isolated gaseous atoms and ions of elements with atomic number from 1 to 38 according to the standard form.
States the deviation of Aufbau principle using the accepted electron configuration of some elements of 4 d series.(Pd as an example)
Gives examples for the existence of stable electronic configurations.
1.5 Analyses the electronic configuration of elements to verify their placement in the periodic table and relates atomic properties to electronic configuration.
Builds up the periodic table on the basis of electronic configuration.
Classifies the elements under s, p and d block in relation to the filling of the last electron to the orbital.
Identifies elements belonging to groups 1,2 and 13 to18 relevant to the valence electrons
Describes trends shown by s and p block elements across the period and down the group.(atomic radius, electronegativity, electron affinity, electron gain energy(Eeg) ,first ionization energy and the ability to form cations and anions)
Explains the zig zag variation of first ionization energies of elements considering the electronic configuration of elements.