Humanities and Social Sciences
"In her novel The Color Purple, Walker's stress on violence and cruelty in the portrayal of the central black male characters simply reinforces black male stereotypes."
How far do you agree with this statement?
1500 words
1. Understand the theme and subject matter In a novel.
1.1 Analyse the themes of a named novel.
1.2 Analyse the structure of a named novel.
1.3 Evaluate the contexts of a named novel in relation to the themes.
Plan your essays!:
Opening peregraph
What Is your response to the title? Do you agree or disagree? Do you agree with elements of It for some characters, but not overall? Whatever You position you need to outline it In the opening paragraph, stating briefly why you hold this posiion.
Whatever your position was In the opening paragraph, you need now to support it with close reference to the text (textual evidence). This will involve moving from the general (your overview) to the particular (your analysis of characters and how they explore themes and contexts). Remember, you need to address all the assessment criteria, so it may be an Idea to start with an analysis of how Walker structures the novel.
Paragraph 2
Look closely at how the novel is structured, and develop a series of points.
Paragraph 3
Decide on what male character you Intend to explore first. If you haven't already made reference to Pa (Alphonso), given he is the first voice heared, It might be an idea to start with him.
Develop a series of points, supported with textual evidence and developed fully, about the extent you feel Pa does, or does not represent a stereotype.
Paragraph 4
Track Pa through the novel. Does he change in any way? Is he a character or a type?
Remember to keep coming back to the title. Is he reinforcing Black maid stereotypes?
Paragraphs 5 and 6
Consider other male characters. Does Walker's presentation of Mister simply reinforce Black male stereotypes?
Paragraph 7
Move on to Harpo. In what ways does Harpo Conform to the Stereotype?
What is Walker exploring with this character? Consider the nature of patriarchy, gender expectations, the position of women.
Paragraph 8
Consider the relationship between harpo and Mister. What allows both men to be able to grow?
Paragraph 9
Look carefully at the later letters? What evidence is there of how Mister has changed. What about harpo?